Toba Ecotourism
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Our Treasures

Examples of Our Ecotourism Activities

We Recommend the Following Sites and Local Specialties if You Would Like to Learn about the Attractiveness of Our Community!

Toba Bay Where Finless Porpoises and Human Beings Coexist

During winter months, those who work in the fishery industry are extremely busy with seaweed farming in Toba Bay! When spring is around the corner, you can see a large pod of finless porpoises that swim elegantly through the rafts used for seaweed farming in chase of small fish.

Recommended by Kiku Ezaki. Kaito Yumin Club


"Sametare" is a local specialty that is made by drying shark slices seasoned with sweet cooking rice wine (mirin) in the sun. Among local residents here, it has been known as a food to go with alcohol. You will be recognized as a true "sametare freak" if you can order grilled sametare at a Japanese-style gastropub (izakaya) in Toba.

Recommended by Akifumi Seko. Toba City Tourism Association

Toba's Bountiful Sea with Ama Divers

Female divers, known as "ama," catch seafood by hand without using modern diving equipment even today, and limit their fishing activities spontaneously according to the season and time to conserve Toba's rich fishery resources for the coexistence of nature and human beings. If you visit Toba, please feel the bountifulness of the sea here.

Recommended by Kanako Yamamoto. Shimanotabisha

Ama Divers' Lunch

"Tokoroten" is a local specialty of Toba, which is made only from natural seaweed like tengusa (agar weed) caught by ama divers. After it is cut into cubes, you can eat it with roasted soybean flour called "kinako." It tastes sweet, fresh and mild.

Recommended by Orie Iwasaki. Toba Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Waste at Sea Reborn as Art Works

A lot of waste is washed ashore on the beaches in the Ise-Shima area. We have created art works using such waste to cordially welcome tourists at Toba Station, which is the entrance to Toba City as an established tourist area.

Recommended by Nobuko Mizutani. Toba Machinami Aquarium

Scenery from Shiroyama Park

From this park, you can fully enjoy a great view of Toba Bay, which Yoshitaka Kuki, a samurai naval commander from Toba, must have seen in the past. In spring, the park is filled with cherry blossoms, and the islands scattered in Toba Bay become clearly visible. Incredibly, you can even see Mount Fuji if weather permits.

Recommended by Kenichi Sugimoto. Toba City Tourism Division

Enjoy Promenading by the Sea in the Sadahama Area

You can enjoy a 30-minute stroll by the sea from Toba Visitor Center to Kamome-no-Yuhodo Promenade via Toba Marine Terminal. It is definitely fun to imagine what it is like to live on an island in Toba Bay while walking by the sea.

Recommended by Takasi Shigeno. Ise-Shima National Park Association

Uramura Oysters and Ogitsu Peninsula

In the Uramura area of Toba City, there are mudflats and pebbly beaches as well as many rafts for oyster farming that float in the fishing areas of the sea. Besides, Ogitsu Peninsula in this area is blessed with a wide variety of creatures. If you visit Uramura, you can surely enjoy oysters in winter and leisure activities in the natural environment at the sea in summer!

Recommended by Mai Ishihara. Toba Sea-Folk Museum

Scenery from Mount Oyama on Sugashima Island

You can fully enjoy a magnificent view of Toba Bay while you climb down Mount Oyama on Sugashima Island, which is the highest mountain on the islands in the bay. Meanwhile, you will notice that the villages on the island are all surrounded by nature. Furthermore, Kamishima Island and Atsumi Peninsula are also visible in the distance.

Recommended by Shun Amamiya. Shima Nature Conservation Officers’ Office, Ministry of the Environment


Kaburako-san is a small Shinto shrine located in a forest by Ohama Beach, which is 20 minutes away on foot from the inhabited area of Arashima, Toba City. There is a small shrine gate (torii) on the pebbly beach to welcome pilgrims from the sea.

Recommended by Yuko Hasama. Toba City Tourist Hotel Association Liaison Council

Scenery of the Sea with Islands

There are four inhabited islands as well as a number of uninhabited islands in Toba Bay. The great scenery of the bay will definitely make you feel like sailing to those islands.

Recommended by Tatsuji Yoshikado. Paddlecoast